Did you make a resolution to read more? Have you joined the 2016 Goodreads Reading Challenge? Do you want to consider more mysteries for upcoming awards? My 2015

contribution to the mystery genre was Black Beans & Venom, on sale this week for 99 cents!
Now what is this Sunnyvale thing, you ask? One month from now I will join some of my favorite Sisters (and one Mister) in Crime for a panel presentation to the AAUW Chapter in Sunnyvale.
Heather Haven, IPPY Award Winner for Death of a Clown, will be our moderator. Shamus-winning author J.J. Lamb, Bette Lamb, Elin Barnes, and Ellen Kirschman will round out the panel. I’m thrilled to be included and look forward to the event.
Date: Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Time: 7:15 p.m.
Location: Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church,. 728 W. Fremont Ave.
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