After months of anticipation, SANTA CRUZ NOIR will finally launch at Bookshop Santa Cruz, Tuesday, June 19th, at 7pm.
Or, buy it now.
Kirkus Review gave this nice shout out to my story in SANTA CRUZ NOIR: “Though many of these stories are more interested in evoking a voice or mood than pursuing a plot to its conclusion, Vinnie Hansen’s “Miscalculation” provides a textbook example of how many twists can fit into the simple tale of a bank teller’s adventures with the Guitar Case Bandit.”
Later in the summer, watch for my story “Critical Mass” in SANTA CRUZ WEIRD.
And, I just heard my story “Room and Board” has been accepted for publication in the Sisters in Crime Guppies’ upcoming anthology FISHY BUSINESS. The publication date is TBA, but will probably be at the end of 2018. I’m delighted to be in a work with Susan Bickford and Andrew MacRae. The three of us date back to an on-line Guppies’ critique group. The books we polished together have gone on to be published. Susan’s book A Short Time to Die was nominated for Best Debut Mystery at Left Coast Crime, 2018. My book, Black Beans & Venom, was a Claymore Award Finalist, before coming out from misterio press. Andrew’s book, Murder Miscalculated, became his second Gregory Smith mystery published by Mainly Murder.